he Local Government plays a vital role in supporting the private sector, MSME’s, and entrepreneurs. With this in mind, the Belmopan City Council decided to create a new department that would focus on improving the business atmosphere in Belmopan. The Local Economic Development started its functions in April 2017.

Local Economic Development (LED) is a participatory process. Communities, civil society organizations and the private sector establish different forms of partnerships through the leadership of local governance authorities or local government. The partners work together to harness local resources, encourage investments and stimulate local commercial activities, particularly that of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. These local commercial activities lead to gains in job creation, business development and ultimately quality of life for citizens.
A Business Support Desk was established under the LED Department to facilitate business interaction, if you have any query on how to start your business or general business related information visit our support desk or contact our email odi@belmopancitycouncil.org.

Trade License Application Form

Fill out the form from #1 - 22

Send to led@belmopancitycouncil.org or drop it at the Office of Development & Innovation at Belmopan City Council.
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